Repels Chewing Pest & Balances Soil Nematodes.
JEEVADHAN is an herbal extract and mixture of silver and copper charged water, made by retaining our Indian Traditional Technologies. This is made to fight against a wide range of chewing & biting pests and larvae. Nematode imbalance will be treated with JEEVADHAN
Chewing and biting pests bite into and chew the leaves, stems, buds, flowers, and even the roots of plants. Damage caused by these insects includes holes in the leaves or stems; semicircular holes along the edges of the leaves; discoloration on the surface or the edges of the foliage and flower petal; severed stems and leaves; and plant wilting.
JEEVADHAN eliminates the most widely recognized chewing insect damage plants. Insects with chewing mouth parts are responsible for ragged leaves, foliage consumption, and mining in leaves, stems and trunks of plants, cool weather.
Have found effective in repelling Japanese Beetles, Root Grubs, White Grubs, Pink Grubs etc. that are found damaging Areca trees, cotton plants etc.
JEEVADHAN has helped in getting rid of Tarnished Plant Bugs, these bugs rather than chewing on the leaves, they suck out the plant juices, leaving the plant wilted, drooping, & often stunted.
It has helped in chasing out the Beetles and its larvae that chew round holes right into the center of leaves, which can be particularly damaging to young plants. Larvae are more likely to chew at roots.
Spraying JEEVADHAN attract predator insects (like lady bug) that eats chewing pests like Aphids which usually hang out on most fruits and vegetables, flowers etc.
Repels Larvae that are mostly leaf chewers, and some are leaf miners, gall makers, and borers into herbaceous stems, fruits, and wood.
JEEVADHAN can treat nematodes that are common soil pests that affect plants.
The affected plants are often dwarfed, with small leaves. In some cases, it is difficult to identify the impact of nematodes for the plants grown in moist, fertile soil, or during cool weather.